Monday, October 17, 2011

V for Vendetta movie review

Rating: 9.3/10

From the creators of The Matrix comes V for Vendetta, a highly acclaimed film starring Hugo Weaving and Natalie Portman. V for Vendetta follows the story of a mysterious masked freedom fighter known as V who uses terrorist tactics to fight against his totalitarian society. He sets out to destroy the parliament building with hopes of creating a revolution within his country.

I loved loved V for Vendetta. I loved every aspect of it; the theme, the directing, storyline, and acting. Throughout the film, we follow the journey of V as he tries to revolutionize his corrupted government. We see him give hope to the people, make the people stand for themselves, and teach them to live without fear.

It is such a privilege to do so. Behind his mask, V is an idea; an idea to make a change, an idea that says “alright that’s enough, I’m doing something to stop whatever is going on”. It is the character V that makes me love this film so much. His philosophy and reasoning behind why he is doing what he is doing is very intriguing.

Hugu Weaving portrays V with such style and substance. He makes V one of my favorite characters of all time. The character of V is the heart of this film. Everything that happens in the film happens because of him. Everyone the audience meets is everyone V meets. If V failed as a character, V for Vendetta would have failed as a film.

The reason why V didn’t fail as a character is not only because of Hugo Weaving’s great work but also the work of the writers, the Wachowski brothers. V is a mysterious character due to his past, philosophy, and his actions. His dialogues are incredibly brilliant, the words the writers use, and the way Hugo Weaving deliver them. As I mentioned before, the writers combined with Hugo Weaving’s spectacular performance make V one of my favorite characters of all time.

Natalie Portman is also incredible in this film. She represents the audience in a way. She meets V, unsure if he’s a good guy or a bad guy. Then she falls in love with him, like I did. Her performance is amazing. She has to do everything an actor has to do I this film; cry, laugh, get scared, etc. and she did everything perfectly.

James McTeigue, the assistant director of The Matrix, directed V for Vendetta and he did such an astounding job. The way he directed the action sequences are incredibly well done. They are very similar to The Matrix in a way. Instead of the slow motion bullets we have the slow motion blades. But hey, I’m not complaining. The Matrix is awesome.

The world of a futuristic Britain is also wonderful. The way the whole film looks is just incredible; the dark cinematography of the film. It makes you think that wherever the movie is set in, it is not safe. It is dangerous and corrupted. Well done to the cinematographers.

The pacing of this film is also perfect. The audience gets just the right amount of action and dialogue. Just as I felt there was too much conversation and information going on in the middle of the film, a scene with V comes on, and I was interested again. I didn’t once feel bored during this film, I was captivated by the story the whole time. The story just drew me in.

 Another thing that loved about V for Vendetta is the themes and messages the film was sending through V. Such fascinating ideas and concepts were made from the character of V, mainly from his philosophy. The idea of having him wear a mask not only makes him mysterious but creates a great theme in the movie; that it doesn’t matter who we are, or how we look, it’s about what we are.

The idea of V standing up for the whole nation is also fascinating. He is a normal human being that decides to do something against whatever is going on. It takes one person to stand up, and the other hundreds or thousands to follow him. V is that one person. V cannot tolerate being a prisoner in this society anymore. He has had enough.

He is an idea. He then passes on the idea on other people. Then that idea transforms into action. He teaches us that sometimes something ludicrous such as chaos has to happen in order for people to realize the idea of change. He teaches us that sometimes one person has to stand up and say “I have had enough”. Everything he does in the film is a major wake up call for everyone around him.

This is the second time I have watched V for Vendetta. It’s a film that grows on you. I have picked up a lot of things in this second viewing. I didn’t care very much the first time I watched it. But now I love the film. I love everything about it. I love a film with great themes and messages and V for Vendetta is definitely one of those films.

I recommend everyone to watch this film. The acting is brilliant, directing is brilliant, writing is brilliant. It’s a good fun 2 hour action pack film. It is also a thought provoking film that will stick with you for a long time. It’s similar to The Matrix in a lot of ways. Every time you watch it, you will learn new things. Remember Remember, The fifth of November.

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